Selecting / Deselecting Target Components for Calculations

Target Components can be selected or deselected for use in calculations of the laser energy deposition and radiation fluxes. Separate flags can be set to include or ignore target components in calculating the following:

To include or ignore target components in all of the above calculations, select one or more objects in the Target Components List, and then right click and select either Include in Calculations or Ignore in Calculations. In addition, shortcut keys can be used to include (Ctrl-3) or ignore (Ctrl-4) target components in calculations.

To set up a target component to be included in one type of calculation, but ignored in another, set its calculation indicators in the Materials tab of the Object Parameters Dialog.

By default, when a new object is added to the grid, it is set to be included in VISRAD calculations.

The status of a target component is indicated by the color of the icon located to the left of it in the Target Components List.

All objects can be set to be included in calculations by selecting the Target | Include All Objects in Calculations menu item.

Note that when an object is selected or deselected for calculations, it may still be shown or hidden in the VISRAD Main Window.



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